- Schémas Winograd: données et problèmes .
Séminaires du Lattice (ENS Montrouge), fév 2022.
- Autour de la résolution automatique de coréférence .
Séminaires du CENTAL (UCLouvain), oct 2018.
- Quelques propriétés distributionnelles et sémantiques de la semi-négation plus (avec C. Beyssade).
Séminaire Lattice, nov. 2017.
- Plus: une semi-négation comme les autres (with C. Beyssade).
Linglunch Paris Diderot, sep. 2017.
- Negation, presupposition and quantification: the case of the French n-word plus (with C. Beyssade).
Intl. Conference "The Pragmatics of Negation – Aspects of Communication", Stokholm, june 2017.
- A Google-proof collection of French Winograd Schemas (with Olga Seminck).
[slides] CORBON 2017 Workshop.
- Learning to categorize nouns and verbs on the basis of a few known examples: A computational model relying on n-grams (with P. Brusini, E. Chemla, A. Christophe & O. Seminck).
Dublin Computational Linguistics Research Seminar Series (DCLRS), apr. 2015.
- Obligatory Presuppositions.
Invited talk at the first "Colóquio de Semântica Referencial", UFSCar, São Carlos, oct 2014.
- Learning to categorize nouns and verbs on the basis of a few known examples: A computational model relying on n-grams.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas, nov 2014.
- The negation of Events.
Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Departamento de Letras, oct 2014.
- Towards a multifactorial analysis of French subjunctive.
Universidade São Paulo, oct. 2014.
- Obligatory presuppositions: experimental aspects.
Linglunch, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Departamento de Letras, dec 2014.
- Learning to categorize nouns and verbs on the basis of a few known examples: A computational model relying on n-grams.
Universidade de São Paulo - Campus de São Carlos, dec 2014.
- Similarité des contextes et cohésion obligatoire.
[diapos, exemplier]
Atelier « Déterminants et Inférences » (organisé par Francis Corblin), déc 2013.
- Les paramètres du caractère obligatoire de aussi (avec E. Ellsiepen & G. Winterstein).
[diapos, exemplier]
Journée d'étude organisée par Mathilde Dargnat et Sandra Teston-Bonnard, Marquage et non marquage des relations de discours, oct 2012.
- How obligatory is too ? (avec E. Ellsiepen & G. Winterstein).
Workshop on Anaphora, organised by Barbara Hemforth and Saveria Colonna, in the Labex EFL, Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle, Paris, oct 2012.
- Obligatory Presuppositions.
3rd CAuLD Meeting, Nancy, déc 2009.
- Obligatory redundancy in Discourse. (avec C. Beyssade).
Linglunch Paris Diderot, mai 2009.
- Obligation de cohésion discursive: le cas des présuppositions.
Exposé au séminaire du LDI (Paris 13), janvier 2011.
- French Comparative Ellipsis (with M. Desmets)
Intl. Conference on Elliptical Constructions, The University of Chicago Center in Paris, jun 2008.